Thursday, November 6, 2008

Scouting the Rapids

Government Rapid III + , San Juan River September 2008What is it about the build up of scouting the rapids, it helps a little to know the way to go or is it just a super mind screw and you end up very psyched out? I almost psyched myself out of this one, saw myself doing it and had to just run the damn thing. It helped the AMC Eric was down stream of me in his kayak and didn't want to wait for me be to blow up my float bags and get situated. I just sat in my yellow canoe, a bit yellow myself and watch as his head bobbed through at a moderate pace, yes the water was fast but there is calm in the storm. Eric made it look easy. I decided the left tongue had very pushy water and definelty rocks, but if something happened more room to correct as well. Coming in up top on the pillow felt off, hard to see even on my knees, I spotted off a rock at top and found myself on track, but the first drop had some latteral waves which I wanted to be more perpendicular to, but alas, the wave to the right of me, hum better go for that hopes its a soft wave, NOPE, damn its a rock. So this picture was taken at that moment when the canoe is "boofing off the rock" and I am luckily in a high brace. (Camera work by Seamus Fleming). I came off of it smoothly and went through the rapid fine. I didn't need to swim. I eddied out and high fived Eric. The best part is still to come Seamus had to get the raft through in low water, and tight tongues. As he readied the boat, tied everything down, he never does that, he even put away his beer. He turned into a different man than his jovial self, he got agro at the oars, got up speed, pushing full force on each oar. I had no idea a raft could move that fast, can you "clock" an oar rig? He later shared we made it look so smooth that he was pumped, wanted some speed so he could make some moves and not puncture the raft and send our gear down river. He got up speed had a good line, then did hit the front end off a rock but he knew that he wanted that, guided and pulled, one oar in the water, spun the 18 foot rig and made the drop. The water took him on our same lines just right of the big rock in the middle of the rapid. Super Smooth and fully loaded. The next adventure with these two New Hampshire crazies may happen this Spring for The Brace for Impact Tour 09', Skiing in the Wasatch. Hopefully, I can write some more about the San Juan Trip there is a lot to share about the canyon, the water, the friends and the rum. May we all have more river trips in our lives!--xojk

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

BoSho-Dry Creek-BobSled x 2

Mountain Bike Front Brake Report for Oct. 26th and Oct 27th, since time is in slow mode for me these days get on the bike and chase the munchies away, the first day, I was starting to drink tecate and eat brownies so I called BR and asked if he had riden yet, he said YUP, 20 plus miles up in Park City. Dang it missed that crew. So went for my own ride up Bonneville shoreline and across to Dry Creek. Not sure when I rode this section of trail last, maybe spring time, but I reeled in 3 guys on heavy bikes and cleared a section that is rocky that I usually hike through. Made it to the top and decided to ride to BOBSLED, and check out the first entrance to see the status. The first time I dropped into this part, there was a foot of mud and water and we rode, hiked, launched into trees and laughed our way down. This time just loose dirt and ruts, I hiked the top part but rode the rest, squealing as usual. Oh, and made the last climb out as well. So rode better than I had remembered, and good thing because BR wanted to ride the same thing the next day. So at 3, I rode to his house found out he invited the single speed crusher king, and I became intimidated. "oh man I didn't know what I signed up for". But they were great with me, total mtn biking gents and we had a great ride. We did the same but totally different route if that's possible. We really pushed the pace all the way to the mouth of Dry Creek, riding up Sunnyside, Zoo, Bo Sho, to Tartula Traverse. They coached me to get into middle ring more which worked on a few of the short hills. I rode sections that I usually don't and felt on my game for the most part, and being pushed to a whole level as well. Single King left for home early and BR and I rode Dry Creek to Bobsled, That was FUN! I was able to ride the top section with like 6 guys up top chillen waiting to make runs, I just bounced in and just about biffed but didn't care and got back in line and finished out the rolling side burms, your stomach just feels like a roller coaster through the tight turns and drops, and BR even went behind me and did loops and drops behind me but didn't push my pace, really sweet. We then rode through the secret cemetary street return. I jumped some curbs as well, and rode through the brush to arrive at the park for the quick drops. Laughing the whole time!

It is good for me to post the feelings are coming back to how I felt while riding, in fact I am about to go out and get the dogs out of the house and get some exercise!

Front Brake Report 10.26-27.08 let there be more of this to come! Thanks Boyz for a really fun fall afternoon crusher mtn bike ride.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Back to Bike Commuting on the TITUS

Did this just really happen? My car just dumped all its antifreeze at the worst place possible, the dog park. The boohs will think that its a yummy green slushy juice, and it is not good for them. I hope with the leash law at the lot no dogs were injured with the VW angst. I swear my car is against me, has a soul and wants to just sit in parking lots, it wants to either sit at the Concourse waiting for the K-man to work on her, or hang out next to baby blue (Freak's car) and chill.

My answer to the outright revolt, go test drive a 35,000 dollar car I can not afford. The Subaru Tribeca, its DEELICIOUS! With capital D and added E's. Its sexy, roomy, it could be a sport utility, fold the back seats down, room to sleep, or stash lots of gear, a bike, dog and canoe can all find their places with this car. The dash is easy to navigate, I liked it better than the dash on my friends BMW. The clearance was good. can I jones for something that seems out of my league?

The answer, calm all angst by riding my bike, I love my bike, I love riding my Titus Racer X around town, bouncing off of curbs, waving at the wild rose bike mech crew not once but twice at stop lights on their way to trail rides.

So gotta run and bike to go teach yoga downtown...luckily to park my Titus takes about 15 seconds and there is always a free post somewhere.


Me, Freak and the Boohs...

Secret Loop, trail report 10.19.08

90 minute loop with 40 minute bushwacking section, in the fall this section of trail seemed a lot easier than mid summer with high brush and chacos on. This time I wore pants for the brush, run shoes, took a beanie but we (Foothill Freak) did not need the extra jackets and hats. The temps were warm and the light was amazing, the trail is a subtle teaser since on the way into the hills the view is nice but ok, then on the way back to the car the views become spectacular. You get to look at the whole Wasatch mountain range in pink alpine glow light usually between 4:30-7:00 pm, the western light just bounces and with the leaves changing the colors spiked.

We did slight burr removal off the four legged boohs, and they ran the whole way with big dog grins. So life is good. Time is still ticking down very slow. Maybe its a residual from the San Juan River trip. I am not going to fight it, even my Timex watch is not working. I am supposed to be in the Present whether I like it or not.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Film Industry...working on SET...

What is it about getting that call? "What are you doing this Wednesday and Thursday? Can you work on SET?"

hell yeah, I just always say I can because I know I will be laughing all day long with my sister for one and then with 60 extras wearing star trek costumes. This was one of the projects Amelia and I worked on this summer. It rained the whole day in Utah, we have 330 days of sunshine but we did get everyone into the perfect costume for their look, size, and if not we glue gunned them in!

Check out the link to the film I was able to work on, see below...

"hey, where did you put my Light Saber?"


Friday, October 10, 2008

First, Middle and Last Name

Self Portraits are interesting to me. I started some portraits titled the "Feather Bed Series" all with my camera phone, I made sure the light was grainy and went for different perspectives on the proportions in the shot. I will see about getting the series off my page and getting them here. Unfortunately a lot of the pictures were ruined in a water cell phone incident and could not be saved. I was able to save little Isabella Rose's flip flop out of the river though...good times...


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

From my sister's blog, Win the handbag...

mmmm...which one did pick to win? Click on this site for a chance...


Embrace my inner Nerd...

This graphic came off of the Santa Cruz Bio Tech site, I really like the colors and the layers of images representing different scientific protocols. I just want to remind myself that I have worked hard at getting my degree and have learned so many different lab procedures that it is a great value. Do not just discount the nerd part of yourself, -Note to Self-

Life in slow down mode...

My life was cranking along at mach- 2- with -your- hair- on- fire- speed and has suddenly slowed down to the pace of molassis drying in January...( is that a pace description? ) but anyways, I am left feeling very BORED! It might be that I realized this past weekend that I am waiting to "start my life" up in Idaho, similiar to how older people wake up and realize that they are waiting to die and they may only be 65, there is so much life to live and YES, I have so much life to live in Salt Lake City before I get up to Ketchum. Which I may find myself up there next week! But in the mean time can I create some amazing things to happen here before the Launch?
I just got the call from Santa Cruz Bio Tech that they are still on track to start December 1. Good News to hear since some of the housing projects in the area were "halted" due to the financial markets. Bio Tech has its bubble, so it might feel the crunch more in time like in the spring if the laboratories are not able to get their grants...(side Industry Note just in case... ;) Part of me was hoping that they would call and say they were delayed and if that was the case I would be applying to Surf Algave in Portugual for yoga teaching, and learn to surf for real.
This winter just looks like a lot of tele surfing on the slopes outside of Stanley, Ketchum and Galena Pass. Let's all pray for snow like this last winter, and let's all pray for the time and money to enjoy that snow while we are at it.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Point of Origin

Posting my life is a very daunting task,  and hilarious actually.  How do I organize my monkey mind and create the picture of the life of the single girl living in the mountains, working at creating her dream life?  Maybe you just do it.  

The next chapter in my life includes moving to Ketchum, Idaho.  Which I am very excited about, since I feel that  I will be in an environment where I can do a lot of the activities that I like to do, ski, mountain bike, whitewater canoe, and trail run.  My chocolate lab Hilo will get to swim, play fetch in the river, right in town.  It sounds like I will have to learn to fly fish, since 90% of the locals fish, and after work the meditation of throwing a line is the perfect wind down to a 8 hour work day.  

I am just going to start here for now, I know I will find my voice, but it seems a bit overwhelming to put all the beauty of my life into words, all at once.  