Wednesday, February 25, 2009

More to come on the Wanderlust Desert Excursion

keep your eye on this blog hope to up date all the fun that happened on this last trip, the manna or trip vibe was hilarious and supernatural. What else can you ask for in your weekend adventure to see the petroglyphs. --xojk

56 hour weekend road trip

November 6th, was my last posting, my sis just told via facebook, and that's the reason why. I can get my computer fix in 30 minutes on FB and not have to really communicate what is truly going on in my life just spin it real well, and weave what I think is cool. Not really, but kind of, but the latest adventure I think that I want to write about happened two weekends ago in the San Rafael Swell. I basically had 56 hours for my weekend, and the I had the craziest urge to be in the amongst the Red Rock, I could just imagine the road dropping into the upper Swell, and how it seems like there is nothing there and in 10 minutes, the Walls are 200 feet and you are transported to another place. I wanted that, and sun, and dirt, and Brighams Tea, and snow on red, all of the dirt possible and none of the white. So I drove at night in a snow storm and was rerouted to Pocatello and it took me 7 hours to make a 4.5 hour drive. I hit every road condition possible, black ice, pack powder, rain on snow, fog with snow. I was loving my front wheel drive and the heavy engine. At one point this truck in front of me fish tailed and flew off the road into 8 inches of snow, as I sped by with the helpless feeling of I can't stop right now, hope they are ok. They must have been because in 20 minutes the same truck came up behind me and I was on the tail of RV and had to tap my breaks. In a blink they fished tailed again and was out of sight, on the side of the road, two times in one road trip to see the car fly off the road and just have to let it be a nascar crash scene behind me was bizarre.